Thursday 4 April 2013

UFO 'Orb' Sighting Over Peru (Video)

Published on 2 Apr 2013 By UfoSkywatch2013

"There are agencies who do not want you to know the truth about UFOs. Nevertheless, UFO Disclosure is happening little by little.
UFOs are not necessarily alien space-craft from another galaxy and/or dimension piloted by more intelligent beings than wild and savage humans, since they could very well represent military terrestrial craft or natural phenomena.
At Project UFO Skywatch, we take pride in not uploading fraudulent horse-shit videos since all material is captured from people around the world, then carefully analyzed, verified, and re-verified.
Our objective here at Project UFO Skywatch is to gather as many UFO videos from around the world as possible in order to find out if these craft represent natural phenomenon, terrestrial craft, or extra-terrestrial. We want to know who is inside these craft and the reason for alien visitation, if any."