Wednesday 3 January 2018

The CIA told alien hunters how to take photographs of UFOs, documents reveal

By Jasper Hamill

The world is full of blurry, grainy and probably fake photos which claim to show alien

spaceships zooming through the sky.

But the CIA wanted to see the best possible shots of unidentified flying

objects and even offered advice on how to snap the best possible images, it has emerged.

During the 20th century, spooks handed out documents which allowed extraterrestrial

investigators to record their findings and showed them how to take detailed photographs.

The files were released last year but just resurfaced after the CIA wrote a tweet about the

documents using the acronym ‘ICYMI’ – which means ‘in case you missed it’.

We dug up some long lost tips on how to take photographs of UFOs,’ the CIA wrote. ‘That

begs the question: Did CIA really investigate UFOs?’ The photography tips were aimed at

making sure images could be debunked or confirmed easily and advise ET hunters to keep

negatives, take shots of the background and try to snap UFOs from several different angles.

And if you’re wondering if the CIA did investigate UFO sightings, the answer is: yes.

Last year, the CIA finally made millions of pages of highly secret documents freely available

online. The data includes UFO sightings and records of ‘psychic experiments’ such as the

Stargate programme, where the CIA worked with people such as Uri Geller.